How to Live Green While Hammock Camping

July 08, 2021 4 min read

A hammock covered by a hammock tarp hung in between two trees in a damp forest.
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Enjoy an Eco-Friendly Camping Trip With These Tips 

Camping is one of the most fun, freeing summer activities – and it can be one of the most eco-friendly activities, too.

With so many conversations about eco-friendly behaviour sweeping the planet, folks all over the world are trying to figure out how they can fine-tune their favourite activities to be mindful of the planet’s needs.

Fortunately, camping is one of the easiest activities to take a green approach with – and it’s one of the most rewarding, too!

Read below to learn how your camping trip can be made more eco-friendly – and why a hammock is the best accessory you can bring,

What is ‘Hammock Camping?’

When you think about camping trips, your mind probably goes to the obvious staples of camping: a tent, a fire, and maybe an RV if you’re lucky. But there’s one piece of furniture that can completely transform any camping experience. You may have guessed it – we’re talking about hammocks.


A hammock is the perfect thing to bring on a camping trip. It allows you to lounge and relax in the outdoors, and provides a level of comfort and excitement that no other piece of furniture can provide.

Trust us – next time you plan a camping trip, bring a hammock. Your whole trip will feel breezy and fun from start to finish. Plus, hammocks don’t use up any energy, they don’t need to be plugged in, and they don’t need batteries! They offer a classic method of enjoyment for any environment.


Is Camping an Eco-Friendly Activity? 

Yes! Camping is one of the most environmentally-friendly activity options there is.

Think about it: when you’re camping, you’re using a little as possible, relying on your own resilience to enjoy the outdoors. You’re not using heating or air conditioning to keep yourself comfortable – instead, you’re letting the outdoors take their course.

Not only is camping an eco-friendly activity, but it offers a great reminder that you don’t nearly need as much as you think to get by. 


Ways to Go Green While Camping

Interested in committing to a camping trip that’s as eco-friendly as possible? 

Congrats! You’ve already taken a huge step! Many believe that trying to incorporate green ideas into their life isn’t possible or realistic – but the truth is, every little bit counts towards protecting our planet. 

We’ve provided plenty of suggestions for you to make your camping trip an eco-friendly adventure. Don’t worry if you can’t commit perfectly – like we said, every bit counts! 

Use Reusable Trash Bags

Even if you try to live as waste-free as possible, there’s bound to be some trash here and there. Plastic trash bags tend to fill up landfills at an unbelievable rate, but what if they weren’t single-use? 

That’s why reusable trash bags or so great. Bring some bags that you can clean and use again, and learn about any local initiatives that allow you to remove trash without the unnecessary add-on of a plastic bag.

Rent Your Gear 

One of the keywords to living a green lifestyle is ‘simplify.’ That means make your trip as simple as possible – bring as few things as you need, for example.

Plenty of campsites allow you to rent gear or trailers on site. Buying fewer things means less waste. Also, renting a vehicle on-site means you won’t have to lug an RV as far across the road.


Pick Up Litter

Most folks at campsites like the nature-fueled environment – that’s why camping is their chosen hobby. As a result, these folks tend not to litter much. Still, though, some garbage falls through the cracks, and you may see some waste here and there on your camping trip. Take the initiative towards picking it up, and you’ll be doing your part to protect outdoor spaces.

Use Eco-Friendly Hygiene Products 

Even though you won’t have access to your medicine cabinet, you’ll still be brushing your teeth and doing the rest of whatever’s in your daily routine. Bring eco-friendly products to reduce waste.

Walk, Don’t Drive, Whenever Possible 

Part of the fun of camping is exploring your site. There are likely plenty of trees, forests, walking trails, and bodies of water around you. Why not explore them on foot?

Choose Waste-Free Snacks and Reusable Bottles 

A successful camping trip takes a lot of work – and let’s face it: you’re gonna get hungry and dehydrated. Choose waste-free snacks and reusable bottles to limit the amount of waste you’re creating.


Ultimately, camping is a great activity for those who enjoy the outdoors, those who want to make a difference for the environment, or those who simply want something to do. Whether you’re a hardcore camper, a ‘glamper,’ or anything in between, we recommend bringing a hammock to your next camping trip.


Safety First!

When using a hammock*, safety is paramount. Please make sure to follow these important guidelines when purchasing, installing and using a hammock

*(includes Hammock, Hammock Chair, Hammock Stand and Hammock Accessories)

Hammock Tree Straps - 21 Multi-Loop Adjustment System
Hammock Universe
$33.97 CAD$29.97 CAD
Parachute Expedition Hammock - Double
Hammock Universe
$49.97 CAD$44.97 CAD
Mosquito Net for Hammocks - No-see-ums Mesh
Hammock Universe
$59.97 CAD$39.97 CAD
Mosquito Net Hammock 210T
Hammock Universe
$69.97 CAD$59.97 CAD